Sunday, April 04, 2010

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith

Journey Back to Regency England—Land of the Undead!

Readers will witness the birth of a heroine in Dawn of the Dreadfuls a thrilling prequel set four years before the horrific events of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. As our story opens, the Bennet sisters are enjoying a peaceful life in the English country side. They idle away the days reading, gardening, and daydreaming about future husbands until a funeral at the local parish goes strangely and horribly awry.
Suddenly corpses are springing from the soft earth and only one family can stop them. As the bodies pile up, we watch Elizabeth Bennet evolve from a naive young teenager into a savage slayer of the undead. Along the way, two men vie for her affections: Master Hawksworth is a powerful warrior who trains her to kill, while thoughtful Dr. Keckilpenny seeks to conquer the walking dead using science instead of strength. Will either man win the prize of Elizabeth's heart? Or will their hearts be feasted upon by hordes of marauding zombies? Complete with romance, action, comedy, and an army of shambling corpses, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls will have Jane Austen rolling in her grave and just might inspire her to crawl out of it!

my thoughts~
Ok, I'm going to ask you to sit down. Are you sitting? Ok. Here is my confession: I have never, yes, you heard me, I said NEVER, read a book by Jane Austen. Yes, I've heard what great books she's written. Guess what...are you still sitting? I haven't even watched the movies. And I passed on the opportunity to read the first, Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, when it came out. But then, I recieved an email for Dawn of the Dreadfuls. And I thought to myself, why not? It has zombies. How bad could it be? Are you ready? I LOVED IT! I loved it to the point that I went out and bought the 1st book before I was even finished with this one! Now, Dawn of the Dreadfuls is the PREquel to P&P&Z. And maybe because I haven't read Ms. Austens book first, I really enjoyed it! I liked the Bennet sisters, really disliked Mrs. Bennet and was hoping for an early dimise of a certain Lord.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. Receiving a copy in no way reflected my review of this book.


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