Meet the answer to your prayers.
No one would guess by looking at Tom Nash that he's extraordinary, and that's just fine with him. A tall, broad-shouldered jack-of-all-trades from Sawyer, Pennsylvania, Tom has a knack for fixing things. He also hides a secret talent: he hears people's prayers. Stranger still, he answers them. Maybe it's because he's a handyman, but Tom feels compelled to fix people's problems. Which is all well and good — until the soul-shattering plea of a terrified girl sends him on the darkest journey of his life…
Heeding the call and leaving his home for New York City, Tom discovers a secret world beyond the range of mortal perception — a world of angels and demons and those who serve them. With the guidance of a knowing stranger named Erin, Tom learns that he himself is one of The Called, born with a divine purpose and a daunting task: to help the powers of Heaven in the war against the agents of Hell, an army of fallen angels known as the Scorned. Thrust into an epic battle of the sacred and the profane, Tom Nash must find the girl who prayed for his help — because her fate will determine whether humanity deserves to be saved, or damned for all eternity…
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Pocket (July 21, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1416579923
About the author:
David Mack is the national bestselling author of more than a dozen books, including Wildfire, Harbinger, Reap the Whirlwind, Road of Bones, and the Star Trek Destiny trilogy — Gods of Night, Mere Mortals, and Lost Souls. His first original novel, the supernatural thriller The Calling, debuted in July 2009 to critical acclaim.In addition to novels, Mack's diverse writing credits span several media, including television (for episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), film, short fiction, magazines, newspapers, comic books, computer games, radio, and the Internet.Upcoming novels in 2009 by David Mack include The 4400: Promises Broken, Star Trek Vanguard: Precipice, and an expanded edition of his Mirror Universe tale The Sorrows of Empire. Coming in 2010 are More Beautiful Than Death, an adventure inspired by the 2009 feature film Star Trek; and Zero Sum Game, the second book of the Star Trek: Typhon Pact miniseries.Mack has been to shows in every Rush concert tour since 1982, and he finally met two-thirds of the band in 2007. He currently resides in New York City with his wife, Kara.
David Mack's webiste: HERE!
my thoughts:
"Please, God…don’t let them kill me.” Imagine being woken from your sleep, hearing this prayer. That's what happens to Tom Nash, you run of the mill. everyday handyman. Tom knows it's not his imagination and that he has to find the young girl who whispered this prayer. That's what he does. He helps those people, whose prayers he hears. So he packs up, kisses his very pregnant wife good-bye and heads to New York. He knows he has to save the girl. Luckily for him, he has a very understanding wife!
I think David Mack has a hit on his hands, with the opportunity for an excellent series! I hope he continues with Tom Nash! The characters are so well written, the settings described in such detail that I sank into this book. I have never read any of Mr. Macks previous work, but I will be on the look out for his future books! *hint* He has a book coming out later this year about "The 4400" and it picks up where the show left off! I can't wait! I loved "The 4400" and hated how it ended!
I have always wondered how authors come up with ideas like this? I would love to have an imagination that can create characters that are extraordinary, everyday people, who come alive on the written page.
I would suggest that if you enjoy a good urban fantasy/paranormal that has little or no romance in it, this would be the book you should read!