Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Blogging Birthday!
Gift Card Giveaway!

Happy Blogging Birthday!
My Guilty Pleasures turns an astounding 2 today! When I first started this blog, I had no intention, really of it turning into a (mostly)book review and giveaway blog. But I'm sure glad that it did! A lot has happened in the 2 years. My daughter graduated high school, moved to Florida & is making me a Mamaw in August. My son has joined the Army reserves, will be graduating in June from high school, and will spend the second summer in a row training to be all he can be. I spent 12 days in a drug induced coma because the doctors had no clue what was wrong with me and that was the only way they could keep me from dying. When their 'House' team finally figured out what was wrong, I had to learn how to walk again and I  had a hard time talking. The day I got out of the hospital, I lost my job, due to company downsizing along with 2 others (we knew changes were coming, I just didn't expect it to be the day I got home from the hospital). Needless to say, it was very upsetting no only for me, but for my family. But they stuck with me and we worked through the problems. I'm trying to take on a knew attitude, not to stress out over things that I can't change, to spend more time doing the things that I enjoy (ummm, reading!) and spend time with the friends that I've let slip out of my life over the years. I'm happier now than I have been in awhile, and that means a lot to me. And since this is a Birthday, there are gifts!The giveaway is lasting a whole month and you can enter daily!
I'm giving a $50, $25 & $10 gift card away! I'm pretty sure I can buy the gift cards online and email them directly to you. Thats my plan. If not, then I will buy them and mail them to you through snail mail. All you have to do it fill out the form below! The ONE rule I won't bend on: YOU MUST BE A FOLLOWER!


DarcyO said...

Happy Blogiversary, Susie! Looking forward to reading your blog for many more years.

Elaine G said...

Happy Blogiversary!!!!!!

Renee (BlacknGoldGirlsBookSpot) said...

Wow Susie you've really been through a lot but I'm so glad you're pulling through! :-)

Happy 2 Year Blogiversary, mine is this month too.

XOXO~ Renee

Jane said...

Happy Blogoversary, Susie. Thanks for letting us celebrate with you.

holdenj said...

Happy Blogiversary! It's great to have you back, I am happy to be following!

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Congratulations on two years! I hope life calms down and you can enjoy reading more :)

Virginia C said...

Congratulations on making it through a turbulent two years! Let's hope everything is smooth sailing from now on : )

Anonymous said...

My birthday will be this coming April 7. Aside from birthday cards I hope I can have a good gift from my parents. Preferably an Ipad 2 in my hands!

CrystalGB said...

Happy Blogoversary. Wishing you the best.

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